Sleep Paralysis in SEA
Park, Petaling Jaya
I personally
experience this phenomena of Sleep Paralysis when I was studying in Petaling
Jaya – is it real?
I have heard
the scientific reasons for Sleep Paralysis, that is when a person is unable to
move or even to speak as if totally paralysed. That person may hear sounds, imagine
an apparition or a ghost-like creature or feel their chest was pressing on
them. This is what the scientific term of Sleep Paralysis is related to REM
(Rapid Eye Movement) which occurs at the onset of sleep. The body’s muscles are
relaxed but dreaming is frequent.
I used to
live in SEA Park in Petaling Jaya, at my cousin’s place, while I was attending
my studies at Taylor’s College (so many years ago!). My cousin invited a couple
for a room and in addition she also rented to 8 guys who studying at FIT (now
have closed down). As we were young, we did not mind the inconveniences, we
basically just need a room to sleep.
One night,
the water was not on and we had to do without any water. However my cousin and
some of the guys from FIT were busy gambling and I was busy drinking my beer.
When it was finally over, I slept on an old couch and three of the guys were
sleeping in the living room.
An Old Couch in the
Living Room